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Estimates based on prior results; individual results will vary based on circumstances, including your ability to provide Tax Help USA with information that is accurate and timely. We do not guarantee that your tax debt will be lowered by a specific amount or percentage, that your tax debt will be paid off within a specific period of time or guarantee you will qualify for any IRS programs. Penalties and interest will continue to accrue until your tax liability is paid in full to the IRS. Tax Help USA is a tax resolution firm independent from the IRS. We do not assume tax debt , make monthly payments to creditors or provide tax, bankruptcy, accounting or legal advice. By providing your contact information, you expressly consent to receiving calls and/or SMS text messages at the number you provided as part of our service offerings, including but not limited to advertisements, solicitations, and service updates. The phone number belonging to the called/messaged person(s) could incur charges for such contact. Read and understand all program materials prior to enrollment. Not available in all states.
Clear Debt Financial, DBA Tax Help USA will refund monies paid under the Tax Help USA Client Agreement within the first 15 calendar days without any penalty or obligation. This money-back guarantee ONLY applies to the fee paid towards the Investigation Phase and NOT for those enrolled with our Immediate Action Team or those that have executed a Resolution Phase Addendum.
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